From Nigel Bowman, Launceston Steam Railway

Created by Barbara 2 years ago
Despite having similar interests and living quite close to one another it suprises me that, as teenagers Adrian and I never met. As well as shared interests in railways and vintage cars we both knew Andrew Turk who is mentioned in Adrian's book("A Life in Engineering and Railways") and who died tragically young. Perphaps the nearest Adrian and I came to meeting one another was in 1965 at Cranleigh Station. Adrian and Andrew were on the last ever Guildford to Horsham train whilst some friends and I were on the last Horsham to Guildford train. At the time I had just bought one of the Penhyrn Quarry locomotives for £60 and was searching for a stretch of closed line on which to lay track. Eventually, after a series of God given concidences Launceston Steam Railway was born and it was here, on a section of the line that Adrian had also travelled before closure that we finally met in the late 1990s. My wife Kay and I had the priveledge to drive the DHR No 19 at the Beeches on the occasion of Adrian's and Barbara's wedding reception and it was a great delight to welcome"the Darj" and Adrian on visits to Launceston in 2009 and 2019. We shall always remember Adrian with the very greastest affection and we offer our heartfelt condolences to Barbara.