Two less sung achievements

Created by Cliff 2 years ago

I have not seen reference in these tributes to the two things I will remember Adrian for.  My career covered the same period as his, but with far less business achievement.

In the very late nineties, the Railway Mission a charity which provides a chaplaincy service to the industry, was facing an existential threat in that it had run out of properties to sell as the source of salaries for its 20 chaplains.  Ian Markey, the Chairman approached ATOC and addressed the gathering of the TOC MDs, Adrian was there.  After the pitch, Adrian, leading one of the smaller TOCs, was the first to speak, promising £3k p.a. from Chiltern.  The rest fell immediately into line, and a £100k income stream was established that still works.  In that act of leadership for the industry, he did more for the Mission and the well-being of the staff it serves than I did as a trustee for 20 years.  Briliiant!

Another action addressing a corporate issue on behalf of the whole idustrya was that he took over from me a fledgling Adhesion Working Group, turning it into a centre of thought and co-operation on beating autumn as the biggest recurring threat to a punctual and safe railway.  He left it established, funded, and making a real contribution across the industry.

For me, these are indicators of the man just as much as his other wide and well acknowledged achievements.

He will be missed big time.

Cliff Perry MBE