Legendary giant of a man

Created by Alan one year ago
I was first acquainted with Adrian Shooter when he came to St Pancras as Area Manager. We were told by the retiring AM Denis Walker, the new chap was high flying engineer with no sense of humor! Adrian arrived at St Pancras just before Christmas in 1984. I was one of a team of two Area Traction Inspectors who covered both St Pancras and Bedford train crew depots. I also covered the Steam operation based at Marylebone with 5 other Traction Inspectors based at the London end of the Midland region. Adrian was very interested in the steam operation and told me it was probably the best advert for train travel advertising, ever devised. I arranged for Adrian to join us on the footplate on 2 separate occasions both trips were with 35028 Clan Line. I remember after the first trip seen here with Adrian driving Clan Line from High Wycombe , these days were the only times when Adrian had to take advice from me, after this photo I told Adrian to reduce the regulator opening to 2/3 open. At Neasen I asked the driver to take over for the final run into to Marylebone. Adrian asked me to to report to his office the following day Monday, because I was so happy to work the steam jobs he wanted to persuade me to work the week-ends for no pay. I politely explained he would be wasting his valuable time, as it was what I did professionally, and had no intention of selling my service for nothing. During my time working on the Railway I worked for Adrian Shooter on three separate occasions total time for a total of 20 years. I have been honored to call Adrian my Boss who was undoubtedly the finest Boss I had. He was the master of delegation but was even better at supporting his team to achieve the task's he set them. My best memory of Adrian is I worked for him three times but I never applied for any of jobs I did. The private conversations are privileged and will have to wait till later. My most cherished memory was attending his celebration of 45 years railway service where I was seated next to another great railway man, and very good friend Richard Hardy who was the V.I.P. guest. Adrian we are all sad that you have gone, but we all agree, we are grateful for your wisdom and inspiration, that made our lives better for your being. The Railway has lost a legendary giant of a man, R.I.P.
