The star of Red Star

Created by Chris one year ago

Many, many years ago I'd just launched my career as a freelance journalist. Almost the first major regular work I secured was writing press and publicity material for Red Star parcels, where Adrian was the boss. I think it's fair to say that he helped launch my freelance career; I probably would have starved without the Red Star work as I had precious little else at that time. 

I worked through a public relations firm whose name  I forget but my main contact there was a chap called, I think, Eugene Bacot. 

This was in the late 1980s, before privatisation of the railways, Chiltern trains etc. 

I met Adrian many times and I even gave presentations at Red Star conferences in Torquay and in Southport.

We all had such high hopes for Red Star and under Adrian it was such a promising business; I really think it could have helped get a lot of business back onto rail. Alas, it wasn't to be and within a few years it was privatised out of existence.