Michael R. Weinman 20th December 2022

Several of us at PTSI Transportation in the US have had the honour and privilege of knowing Adrian and Barbara. We were fortunate that Adrian's interests in railways extended across the pond, and were always willing to discuss the relative merits of railways on both sides. None of us who knew Adrian ever came away from a discussion, argument, luncheon, or railway tour with him that did not leave us wiser and more curious. And when it came to the smaller railway, I had the honour of being Guest Chef in the Catering Department of the Beeches Light Railway. One quickly learnt that although Adrian had difficulty standing up straight in the confines of the Parlour/Restaurant Car, even a shorter fellow could not wear a toque in the kitchen of said car. And on a main line note, we were thrilled that Adrian took our advice and permitted a stainless steel car structure in one of the fleets he acquired for Chiltern, even though none of the builders would touch it! Our good fortune smiled one last time when we were able to have lunch with Adrian and Barbara in September on our first post-pandemic visit to the Mother Country.